Spiritual Retreat

A refresher for those familiar with practices, an introduction for those ready to go deeper.
A perfect opportunity to discover and nurture practices that feed you while also trying on practices that may challenge you and stretch you. 


  • Assess your spiritual life
  • Learn about a system of spiritual practice, grounded in the tradition, rather than a piece-meal or smorgasboard approach
  • Experiment with ancient and traditional practices to serve life in a modern world
  • Develop or refine your own spiritual discipline
  • The retreat is a mix of worship, silence, presentation, limited discussion and experiential activities. It is may feel like a mix of workshop and retreat. Participants are asked to complete some readings in advance and to experiment with spiritual practices during the sessions


Vocation Retreat

This is a one-week and 2 weekends retreat


Prayer Retreat

5-day retreat with contemplative prayer and quiet time to listen to the Holy Spirit.


Leaders Retreat

Weekend retreat. This retreat is for Deacons, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, Ministry Leaders. It is a weekend of prayer, refreshment, restoration and renewal.


Breakthrough Week

It is a week to go deeper in our personal growth and life with Jesus. A week of commitment and a time to give yourself totally to Him.

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