W.E.S.P. House Meetings


Worship | Eat | Soak |Pray


One Sunday a month, we come together to worship God, eat together by sharing food around the table, soak in the presence of the Holy Spirit, who is the VIP guest and Pray. The purpose is to encourage one another, leaving us transformed by His presence, bringing us closer and closer to Jesus and to the love of the Father.


At Mission for Unity, we started these meetings in September of 2011 in an apartment with 4 people, then 8, 12...and each time, the Holy Spirit has the freedom to minister in the way He wants to.

The food we share during the W.E.S.P meetings: each person brings something sweet and salty; and 1 drink according to his/her inspiration and ability. The food is to be shared with all who are attending.

We continue our time together in fraternal communion.


Soaking Prayer is a modern way to describe an old Christian practice called Contemplative Prayer. 

The meetings either take place in the house of one of the members of Mission for Unity; or the group is invited by someone who wishes to host such meeting at his/her house. 


If you'd like to join our W.E.S.P House Meeting, please complete the form below and you will receive an invitation for the next meeting.

Note: these meetings are held in France for the moment; however, in the near future, we will organize them in the Netherlands, Latvia, Estonia and Letonia.

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