Christian School - Lahore


Lahore is one of the biggest cities in Pakistan, it is close to the border with India. It's a city with a population of 12,642,000 people, with a 2% minority of Christians.

The Christian school is essential for the education of children who come mostly from poor Christian families. The school helps the Christian families to give their children the same right of education as the most Muslims in the country. Being Christian in a Muslim country means you are second class, and as Child who grows up in a Muslim environment you need to go save to school.

Joy is a teacher in the school, she teaches with passion and love. Her motto is that Knowledge is Power, and that is what Christian children need. Learning reading and writing means that they understand the Bible and they can get a better future. Her father is the director and the founder of the school. He knows, based on his own experience, that going to school means you can step out of your poverty and open the door to study and get a better life.


A School, A Church

Sponsorship Program


How it works

A church and its members commit to sponsor a school in need for the duration of the school year (10 months)

Une église et ses membres s’engagent à parrainer une école dans le besoin sur la durée d’une année scolaire. The church members commit a monthly donation of 20 Euros for 10 months, with a minimum of 20 participants.


Your contributions cover

Food - a meal per day is served to the children and teachers.

School fees - teachers' pay

Health coverage - for children and teachers

Rent - Monthly rent for school building

Transportation – for security reasons, children need to be transported to and fro school every day.


These contributions can be deducted from your taxable income. The association Mission pour l’Unité France is a non-profit organization with public interest (status 1901/1907).


Sponsors will receive a year-end statement of donations upon request.


Sponsors will receive regular news and pictures of the school they sponsor.


If you'd like to participate with your church, please click here.


Mission for Unity -France

Association 1901/1907 object mix

Registered in France  ° W842003855

Prefecture of the Tarn et Garone.


Mission for Unity -India

Trust incorporation.

Pan card AAHTM7557M

Andhra Pradesh.

Religious Charity

Organization of Public Interest