Mission for Unity - India


In 52 AD, the Apostle Thomas arrives in India and establishes seven congregations. Today India has 28 million Christians, which represents 2.3% of the total population of India.


India has a population of 1.34 billion people, which makes it one of the largest countries of the world.


It is our vision to bring the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and to equip the people to understand the word of God and encourage the local churches and Christian communities.


We strive to reach the children, youth and families, tribes, and encourage church leaders.

  • Support them in education and leadership,church planting.
  • Educate them in christology, and how to become His hands and feet in their environment
  • Support ministries such as children, youth, women, men, social work, counseling
  • Provide Bible school & training school online and onsite
  • Train church leaders
  • Evangelise local tribes

Mission for Unity in India is resisted as Mission for Unity India Foundation.:

pan card: A

in the state of  Telangana 


Our vision is to have a dedicated Director per state and per region in India.

These Regional Directors will represent their region, or state,

Lead by a National Director.