International Team

Roger & Maud

Rev. Fr. Roger Maatje.

Founder, President :Mission pour l'Unité - France.

Founder, President /CEO :

Mission for Unity International.

Founder/prior Koinonia Community International


Maud Maatje 

Founder, General Secretary

Mission pour l'Unité - France

Founder, Supervisor Projects

Mission for Unity International

Founder  Koinonia Community International.

Bas Wigard


Teacher & Pastoral counselor


Mission for Unity International

Florance Montegu


Director Media & Communication.


Member of the Board

Mission for Unity International

Ariadna Kleinbiebelen



Carl Koch


Membre du conseil d'administration et responsable des contacts œcuméniques de Mission for Unity International

Paula Leitner


Missionaris van Verzoening/Herstel.

Tussen Joden en heidenen. Voorbidder/aanbiddingsleider.



Nancy Younas


International Ministry Director

Mission for Unity International

(Joy) Tamseel Maatje -Asif
Mission for Unity Pakistan

Robber Bleacher

Staff member Mission for Unity Nederlands .Department media & communicatie

Bischop Richard Snyder

Board member Mission pour l'Unité - France

Area Director Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Co Founder of The koinonia Community International

Jacques Grubben

Father Jacques Grubben


Priest in the diocese of Den Bosch - Netherlands.

Founder of the House of Unity-Riga.


Member of the Board of Advisors of Mission for Unity International

Father Stefan Schrevers


Priest in the diocese of Den Bosch - Netherlands.

Founder of the House of Unity-Riga.


Member of the Board of Advisors of Mission for Unity International